Friday, August 28, 2009

first post

Well, this is my first post. I have had this blogger account for some time, but have not really had the time to spend here actually posting anything.
I am gonna try to make it more of a priority, so i can ramble and use this space as my "personal" area.
For the last five years or so I have been working on a nonprofit project under the direction of the Florida International Teaching Zoo. This project has helped me grow so much as a person, but it has taken a lot of out of me too. I have really had to step back and re-evaluate how I deal with issues, the process of my problem solving, and it has even made me really try to reinvent myself and the project.
I can't tell you how often i will update, or even what they will be about, but I will definately make an effort to keep this updated at least once a week.

Ok, pleasantries aside, the project I have been working on is called Project Green Jungle. It is a multi-faceted conservation project which uses alternative income sources, to drive conservation, capacity building, and education for the indigenous and residents of the areas we work.

Where is it we work you ask? Currently we are in Costa Rica setting up two buildings. One of them is on the Bribri reservation on the Southeast coast of the country. The other is just off the same reservation. This gives us a "central" location along the Caribbean Coast of the country.

It has been an amazing trip so far. I have met and hung out with some amazing people. So, I will be updating this every week or so.
Thanks for stopping by.